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links:xcode [2015/12/17 22:33]
jdg [Swift]
links:xcode [2019/03/06 07:33]
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-====== Xcode ====== 
-  * Tags: Xcode, Objective-C,​ Swift, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Mac OS X, iOS 
-===== Language ===== 
-  * ([[http://​​archive/​cocoa/​136618-what-does-ns-means.html|forum]]) The prefix '​NS'​ in Swift type names stands for '​Next-Sun',​ introduced in [[wp>​OpenStep]] which was a co-creation between NeXT and Sun. 
-===== Apple Developer ===== 
-  * https://​ 
-  * https://​​devcenter/​mac/​index.action 
-  * [[https://​​xcode/​|Xcode]] IDE (wikipedia [[wp>​Xcode]]) 
-  * [[https://​​swift/​|Swift]] Programming Language (wikipedia [[wp>​Swift_(programming_language)|Swift]]) 
-  * [[http://​​wiki/​Cocoa_(API)|Cocoa]] is Apple'​s native object-oriented application programming interface (API) for the OS X operating system 
-  * [[http://​​swift-cheat-sheet/​content/​|Swift Cheat Sheet]] 
-  * https://​​library/​ios/​documentation/​Swift/​Conceptual/​Swift_Programming_Language/​ 
-  * http://​​wiki/​Foundation_Kit 
-  * [[ 
-|Cocoa documentation (retired)]] 
-  * https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​Cocoa/​Reference/​Foundation/​ObjC_classic/​ 
-  * http://​​resources/​OpenStepSpec/​FoundationKit/​Classes/​index.html 
-===== Frameworks ===== 
-  * [[wp>​Foundation_Kit|Foundation Kit]] 
-  * [[wp>​Cocoa_(API)|Cocoa]] (for Mac OS development) 
-  * [[wp>​Cocoa_Touch|Cocoa Touch]] (for iOS development) 
-===== App Design ===== 
-  * [[ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​UserExperience/​Conceptual/​OSXHIGuidelines/​index.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​20000957|OS X Human Interface Guidelines]] (online) 
-  * [[https://​​us/​book/​os-x-human-interface-guidelines/​id930571558?​mt=11|OS X Human Interface Guidelines]] (iBook) 
-  * [[https://​​design/​tips/​|UI Design Dos and Don'​ts]] (introduced from iOS 7) 
-  * [[https://​​design/​|App Design]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​product-page/​|App Store Product Page]] 
-===== App Testing ===== 
-  * [[https://​​support/​debugging/​|App Debugging]] 
-  * [[ https://​​library/​ios/​documentation/​IDEs/​Conceptual/​AppDistributionGuide/​TestingYouriOSApp/​TestingYouriOSApp.html|Beta Testing iOS Apps]] \\ Process: 
-    * Alpha testing: test your app in iOS simulator, then on your own devices (connected directly to Xcode) 
-    * Beta testing: send your App from Xcode to iTunes Connect 
-      * internal testing 
-      * external testing (needs 'Beta App Review'​) 
-      * Distributing Your App Using **Ad Hoc Provisioning** 
-  * [[https://​​testflight/​|TestFlight]] 
-    * internal testing: to users in your iTunes Connect organisation,​ max 25 users, max 60 days 
-    * external testing: to external users, max 2.000 users \\ NOTE: for external testing, you do need to submit for **Beta App Review** 
-  * [[https://​​library/​ios/​documentation/​IDEs/​Conceptual/​AppDistributionGuide/​SubmittingYourApp/​SubmittingYourApp.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40012582-CH9-SW36|Submitting Your App to the Store]] 
-===== App Store ===== 
-  * Submit your App, Review bij Apple, Reject or Accept, How to manage your Apps in the App Store and Testing 
-  * [[https://​​library/​ios/​documentation/​IDEs/​Conceptual/​AppDistributionGuide/​|App Distribution Guide]] 
-  * [[ https://​​library/​ios/​documentation/​IDEs/​Conceptual/​AppDistributionGuide/​Introduction/​Introduction.html|About App Distribution]]:​ 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​review/​|App Review]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​review/​rejections/​|Common App Rejections]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​review/​guidelines/​|App Store Review Guidelines]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​review/​guidelines/​mac/​|Mac App Store Review Guidelines]] 
-  * [[https://​​programs/​|Apple Developer Program]] 
-  * [[http://​​itunes/​working-itunes/​sell-content/​connect/​|iTunes Connect]] 
-  * [[https://​​WebObjects/​iTunesConnect.woa|iTunes Connect (login)]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​app-analytics/​|App Analytics]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​marketing/​guidelines/​|App Store Marketing Guidelines]] 
-  * [[https://​​app-store/​marketing/​guidelines/​mac/​|Mac App Store Marketing Guidelines]] 
-===== WWDC ===== 
-  * https://​​wwdc/​ 
-  * Apple [[wp>​Apple_Worldwide_Developers_Conference|Worldwide Developers Conference]] ("Dub Dub DC") 
-  * http://​ 
-  * [[https://​​videos/​wwdc/​2014/?​id=408|WWDC 2014 Session Videos]] 
-  * [[https://​​videos/​wwdc/​2015/​|WWDC 2015 Session Videos]] 
-===== Swift ===== 
-  * Wikipedia: [[wp>​Swift_(programming_language)|Swift]] 
-  * REPL = [[wp>​Read–eval–print_loop|Read Eval Print Loop]] 
-  * https://​​swift/​ 
-  * https://​​swift/​blog/​ 
-  * https://​​swift/​resources/​ 
-  * Apple'​s official language reference: [[ 
-|The Swift Programming Language]] 
-  * [[ 
-|Revision History]] (such as the new '​set'​ type) 
-  * https://​​apple/​swift-evolution 
-==== Swift Open Source ==== 
-  * https://​ 
-===== Training ===== 
-  * [[http://​​|Lynda]] online video training 
-    * [[http://​​Cocoa-tutorials/​Cocoa-Swift-Essential-Training/​182675-2.html|Cocoa Swift Essential Training]] 
-    * [[http://​​Swift-tutorials/​Swift-Essential-Training/​180105-2.html|Swift Essential Training]] 
-    * http://​​search?​q=code+clinic 
-    * http://​​C-tutorials/​Code-Clinic-C/​373549-2.html 
-    * http://​​Swift-training-tutorials/​5904-0.html 
-  * Stanford University CS193p "​Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift" 
-    * http://​​class/​cs193p/​cgi-bin/​drupal/​ 
-    * http://​​player/​slplayer.aspx?​course=CS108&​p=true 
-    * [[https://​​us/​course/​developing-ios-8-apps-swift/​id961180099|view in iTunes U]] 
-===== Git ===== 
-  * Linus' GIT homepage -> http://​ 
-  * [[wp>​Git_(software)|Git]] 
-  * [[http://​​doc|Git documentation]] 
-  * [[https://​​git/​tutorials/​migrating-overview|Migratie SVN to Git]] 
-==== Git Hosting ==== 
-  * [[wp>​GitHub]] 
-  * https://​ 
-  * https://​ 
-  * https://​ (acquired in 2015 by GitLab) 
-  * https://​ 
-==== Git Self Hosting ==== 
-  * Gogs -> http://​​ 
-  * http://​​docs/​installation/​install_gogs_on_ubuntu.html 
-  * Gitolite -> http://​​gitolite/​index.html 
-===== Hackintosh ===== 
-  * http://​ 
-  * http://​​building-customac-buyers-guide-april-2015.html 
-  * http://​​yosemite-desktop-guides/​143976-unibeast-install-os-x-yosemite-any-supported-intel-based-pc.html 
-===== Mac OS X Kernel Development ===== 
-  * Apple [[ 
-|Kernel Programming Guide]] 
-  * Apple [[ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​Darwin/​Conceptual/​KEXTConcept/​KEXTConceptIntro/​introduction.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​10000191-SW1 
-|Kernel Extension Programming Topics]] 
-  * Book [[ 
-|OS X and iOS Kernel Programming]] 
-  * http://​ 
-  * http://​​questions/​26723321/​how-to-code-sign-mac-os-x-kernel-extension-with-self-signed-certificate 
-  * http://​​questions/​21370452/​osx-create-c-kernel-extension 
-  * http://​​blog/​2014/​03/​27/​apple-discourages-mac-kernel-extension-development/​ \\ says: \\ <​code>​ 
-> The Mac kernel is a Mach micro kernel, developed by the MIT  
-pointy heads specifically to be safely extensible, so you can  
-add extensions without bringing down a system. 
-> Mach was developed at CMU. My understanding is that the  
-XNU kernel is not a true microkernel (for performance reasons), 
-and extensions really can bring down the system. 
-  * [[wp>​Mach_(kernel)|Mach]] 
-  * [[wp>​XNU]] 
-  * [[wp>​Darwin_(operating_system)|Darwin]] 
-===== How Cocoa works ===== 
-**The Core Objects for All Cocoa Apps** 
-**Additional Core Objects for Multiwindow Apps** 
-===== Cocoa Swift Samples ===== 
-  * Matt Gemmell - Cocoa Source Code \\ http://​​source/​ 
-  * Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners \\ http://​​wiki/​Programming_Mac_OS_X_with_Cocoa_for_Beginners 
-  * Mac Developer Library - Sample Code \\ https://​​library/​mac/​navigation/​index.html#​topic=Sample+Code&​section=Resource+Types 
-  * Full featured example application written in Cocoa (Mac desktop) \\ http://​​questions/​11552465/​full-featured-example-application-written-in-cocoa-mac-desktop 
-  * Are there any good tutorials for Mac GUI Applications with Cocoa? \\ http://​​questions/​3656665/​are-there-any-good-tutorials-for-mac-gui-applications-with-cocoa 
-  * Learn Cocoa on the Mac \\ http://​​dp/​1430218592/?​tag=stackoverfl08-20 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * Mac App Programming Guide \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​General/​Conceptual/​MOSXAppProgrammingGuide/​Introduction/​Introduction.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40010543 
-  * Quartz 2D Programming Guide \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​GraphicsImaging/​Conceptual/​drawingwithquartz2d/​Introduction/​Introduction.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP30001066 
-  * The Core App Design \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​General/​Conceptual/​MOSXAppProgrammingGuide/​CoreAppDesign/​CoreAppDesign.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40010543-CH3-SW1 
-  * SpriteKit Programming Guide \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​GraphicsAnimation/​Conceptual/​SpriteKit_PG/​Introduction/​Introduction.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40013043 
-  * Mac Technology Overview \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​MacOSX/​Conceptual/​OSX_Technology_Overview/​About/​About.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40001067 
-  * Network Kernel Extensions Programming Guide \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​Darwin/​Conceptual/​NKEConceptual/​intro/​intro.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40001858 
-  * Cocoa Drawing Guide \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​Cocoa/​Conceptual/​CocoaDrawingGuide/​Introduction/​Introduction.html#//​apple_ref/​doc/​uid/​TP40003290 
-  * Cocoa Event Handling Guide - Handling Mouse Events \\ https://​​library/​mac/​documentation/​Cocoa/​Conceptual/​EventOverview/​HandlingMouseEvents/​HandlingMouseEvents.html 
-  * Tutorial: SwiftDraw – Part 1: Basics & drawing a single shape \\ http://​​tutorial-swiftdraw-part-1-basics/​ 
-  * With Quartz in Cocoa OSX and iOS, how do you draw lines and “connect” shapes? \\ http://​​questions/​9152219/​with-quartz-in-cocoa-osx-and-ios-how-do-you-draw-lines-and-connect-shapes 
-  * Upgrading to Swift 1.2 - What you need to know about Xcode 6.3 \\ https://​​swift1-2 
-  * Build a Swift App - Learn Xcode Storyboard, Auto Layout and Designable Views \\ https://​​swiftapp 
-  * Design with Swift - Learn UI and animations using Swift (chapter of book) \\ https://​​swift-design 
-  * http://​​sketch/​ 
-  * Concept to Completion - One Man's Journey to Learn Swift \\ http://​​ 
-  * 5 approach to implement SpriteKit drag \\ http://​​blog/​spritekit-drag/​ 
-  * DrawKit - A cocoa framework for drawing \\ http://​​drawkit.htm 
-  * https://​ 
-  * http://​​84434/​sprite-kit-swift-tutorial-beginners 
-  * https://​​AlexChesters/​Ninja-Shooter 
-  * http://​​data-visualization-in-cocoa/​ 
-  * http://​​the-death-of-cocoa/​ 
-  * http://​ 
-  * http://​​90690/​modern-core-graphics-with-swift-part-1 
-  * http://​​swift-programming-language-tools/​ 
-  * http://​ 
-  * http://​​wp-content/​uploads/​2014/​06/​RW-Swift-Cheatsheet-0_3.pdf 
-  * http://​ 
-  * http://​​75270/​make-game-like-candy-crush-with-swift-tutorial-part-1 
-  * http://​​2014/​07/​20/​xcode-adding-source-control/​ 
-  * https://​​palewar/​CS193P 
-  * http://​ 
-  * http://​​tutorials/​ 
-  *​ [[ 
-|Learn Swift and Sprite Kit - Video Tutorials]] 
-  * http://​​en/​2014/​moving-objects-with-mouse-in-scene-kit-and-with-swift/​ 
/var/www/html/ · Last modified: 2019/03/06 07:33 (external edit)