

Example of a Windows client and a server on a 100 Mbps LAN :

Note that 94 Mbps is the maximum TCP-performance that you can expect on a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection, because you loose approximately 6% of bandwidth due to protocol and header overhead.

To put it this way: Layer-4 (TCP) bandwidth = 94% of Layer-2 (Ethernet) bandwidth


Download iperf for Windows

Check the MD5-checksum if you want to verify the file integrity:

md5sum iperf-1.7.0-win32.exe 
624b6717901c90f3ca254f2f91ab15f3  iperf-1.7.0-win32.exe

iperf info

iperf usage

Typical usage server-side:

iperf -s -w64000 -i1

Typical usage client-side:

iperf -c -w64000 -i1 -t5 -r


-s       Server mode (listening)
-c <ip>  Client mode, connect to <ip>
-i 1     Display speed each 1 second
-m       Display MSS and MTU (when done)
-w 64k   Change TCP Windows size (helps on Windows hosts)
-t 4     Run 4 secs instead of default 10 sec
-r       do Reverse: first push Client->Server,
         then pull Client<-Server 
         (use to test symmetricy bandwidth and duplex mismatches)
-d       do Dual: push and pull at the same time 
         (test full-duplex)
-P 4     use 4 channels parallel (default 1) (note: 'P' is capital)
