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links:phd [2018/01/10 17:06]
jdg [LaTeX]
links:phd [2019/03/06 07:33]
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-====== PhD ====== 
-  * PhD = Latin: Philosophiae Doctor, [[https://​​wiki/​Doctor_of_Philosophy|Doctor of Philosophy]] 
-  * [[wp>​Doctorate]] (Latin: docere, "to teach"​) or Doctor'​s degree (Latin: doctor, "​teacher"​) or Doctoral Degree 
-  * [[wp>​Graduate_school|Graduate school]] \\ <​code>​ 
-A graduate school (sometimes shortened as grad school) is a school that  
-awards advanced academic degrees (i.e. master'​s and doctoral degrees) ​ 
-with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous ​ 
-undergraduate (bachelor'​s) degree with a high grade point average. 
-  * [[wp>​thesis|Dissertation]] \\ **Thesis** from Latin "​something put forth",​ **Dissertation** from Latin "​path"​ \\ Dissertation = '​**doctoral thesis**'​ \\ <​code>​ 
-A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature ​ 
-for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the  
-author'​s research and findings. In some contexts, the word "​thesis"​ or  
-a cognate is used for part of a bachelor'​s or master'​s course, while  
-"​dissertation"​ is normally applied to a doctorate, while in other contexts, ​ 
-the reverse is true. The term graduate thesis is sometimes used to refer  
-to both master'​s theses and doctoral dissertations. 
-  * https://​​wiki/​Wetenschappelijke_promotie \\ Wanneer gestart met het **promotieonderzoek** wordt men in NL al **promovendus** genoemd. \\ <​code>​ 
-Degene die gaat promoveren wordt een promovendus genoemd. In principe wordt  
-iemand die aan een proefschrift werkt een doctorandus genoemd ('hij die nog  
-doctor moet worden'​),​ maar in Nederland wordt de term promovendus al gebruikt ​ 
-vanaf de start van het onderzoeksproject,​ om verwarring met de (vandaag ​ 
-verouderde) term doctorandus te vermijden. 
-===== TU Delft ===== 
-  * https://​​en/​education/​programmes/​phd/​phd-or-pdeng/​ 
-  * https://​​en/​education/​programmes/​phd/​doctoral-education-programme-de/​ 
-  * https://​​en/​education/​programmes/​phd/​doctoral-education-programme-de/​training-programme/​t4g1-phd-start-up/​ 
-  * https://​​en/​education/​programmes/​phd/​doctoral-education-programme-de/​skills-subpaginas/​research-competences-skills/​ 
-  * http://​​tu-delft/​doctoral-education-magazine 
-  * https://​​onderwijs/​opleidingen/​masters/​ee/​msc-electrical-engineering/​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​en/​the-faculty/​departments/​ 
-  * Niels -> http://​​index.php/​vanAdrichem 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​​program_tree_id=7553 
-  * http://​​takeoff 
-  * http://​​takeoff 
-  * ETV boekenlijst -> http://​​pid/​24.html 
-  * CH boekenlijst -> https://​​onderwijs/​boekenverkoop 
-  * http://​​wiki/​Discrete_wiskunde 
-  * [[https://​​wiki/​European_Credit_Transfer_and_Accumulation_System|ECTS]] = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ([[https://​​wiki/​Studiepunt|studiepunt]]) 
-  * https://​​onderwijs/​opleidingen/​phd/​ 
-  *​TUDelft:​[[https://​​TUDelft/​Onderwijs/​Opleidingen/​PhD/​Guide%20for%20PhDs%20and%20supervisors%202016_web.pdf|Guide for PhDs and supervisors 2016_web.pdf]] 
-  * https://​​nl/​specifieke-ingangen/​graduate-school/​ 
-  * UGS = University Graduate School 
-  * DE = Doctoral Education 
-  * Faculty Graduate School: Supports the doctoral process at the faculty level (e.g. Doctoral Education programme) 
-  * Lineaire Algebra EE1M11 EE1M21 -> [[https://​​courses/​lineaire-algebra-1/​|link]] \\ [[https://​​us/​higher-education/​product/​Lay-Linear-Algebra-and-Its-Applications-4th-Edition/​9780321385178.html|book @]],​ [[https://​​nl/​s/​algemeen/​zoekresultaten/​Ntt/​Linear%2BAlgebra%2Band%2BIts%2BApplications%2Bby%2BDavid%2BLay/​N/​0/​Nty/​1/​search/​true/​searchType/​qck/​defaultSearchContext/​media_all/​sc/​media_all/​index.html|book @]] 
-  * http://​​nl/​boeken-delft/​ 
-===== Books ===== 
-^ Fac ^ Course ^ Title ^ Author ^ ISBN ^ 
-^ Linear Algebra ^^^^^ 
-| TW | WI1030 | Linear Algebra | Fraleigh and Beauregard | 88.00 |  
-| CS | TI1206M | Linear Algebra and its Applications | D.C. Lay | ps:​[[https://​​us/​higher-education/​product/​Lay-Linear-Algebra-and-Its-Applications-4th-Edition/​9780321385178.html|9780321385178]] ss:​[[https://​​p/​9781292092232|9781292092232]] |  
-| EE | EE1M11 | Linear Algebra and its Applications | David Poole | 60.00 |  
-| EE | EE2M21 | Linear Algebra: A modern introduction | David Poole | bol:​[[https://​​nl/​f/​linear-algebra/​37810551/​|9780538735445]] ss:​[[https://​​p/​9781285463247/​|9781285463247]] ss-eB:​[[https://​​p/​9781285982830|9781285982830]](**gotit**) |  
-^ Discrete Maths ^^^^^ 
-| CS | TI1306 | Discrete Mathematics with Applications | Epp | ss:​[[https://​​p/​9780495826163/​|9780495826163]] |  
-| EE | ET3155 | Discrete mathematics | Johnsonbaugh,​ R. | ss:​[[https://​​p/​9781292022611/​|9781292022611]] |  
-| - | - | Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics:​ Pearson New International Edition | Grimaldi, Jancar-Webster |ss:​[[https://​​p/​9781292022796|9781292022796]] ss-eB:​[[https://​​p/​9781292035994|9781292035994]](**gotit**) |  
-^ Algorithms ^^^^^ 
-| TW | WI3612,​TW3550 | Graph Theory | R. Diestel | ss:​[[https://​​p/​9783642142789|9783642142789]] |  
-| TW | TW2020 | Combinatorial Optimization:​ Algorithms and Complexity | Christos H. Papadimitrlou | 80.00 |  
-| CS | TI2306 | Algorithm Design | J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos | 67.00 |  
-| CS | TI2316,​TI3306 | Introduction to the Theory of Computation | Michael Sipser | 76.45 |  
-^ Nice to know ^^^^^ 
-| TW | TI2611WI | Object-Oriented Software Engineering | Lethbrldge & Laganlere | 48.00 |  
-| EE | EE1D11 | A Book on C | Al Kelley | ss:​[[https://​​p/​9780201183993|9780201183993]] |  
-| EE | EE2S31 | Digital Signal Processlng- Principles, algorlthms and applications | J.G. Proakls, D.G. Manolakls | 71.00 |  
-^ Fac ^ Course ^ Title ^ Author ^ ISBN ^ 
-^ Theoretical Computer Science ^^^^^ 
-| [[https://​​wiki/​Theoretical_computer_science#​Further_reading|wiki]] | - | Computability,​ complexity, and languages: fundamentals of theoretical computer science | Davis, Sigal, Weyuker | 0122063821(?​) bol-eB:​[[https://​​nl/​p/​computability-complexity-and-languages/​9200000008996568/​|9200000008996568]](**gotit**) |  
-===== Contacts ===== 
-  * PhD student CWI (AT&T) -> https://​​people/​frank-wetzels 
-==== Coach ==== 
-  * .. en beoogd promotor: prof.dr. Hans van den Berg 
-  * https://​​j.l.vandenberg 
-  * http://​​~bergjl/​ 
-  * https://​​awards.html 
-=== PhD Students === 
-  * Mozhdeh Gholibeigi, Reliable Broadcasting in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks 
-  * Morteza Karimzadeh, Mobility Management in Future Mobile Networks 
-  * Frank Wetzels, Performance Management in SDN based Networks 
-=== PhD Students (finished) === 
-  * Tom Coenen, Modeling the Impact of Interference on Wireless Ad-hoc Network Performance ​ 
-  * Wendy Ellens, Stochastic Methods for Measurement-based Network Control ​ 
-  * Ricardo de Oliveira Schmidt, Measurement-Based Link Dimensioning for the Future Internet ​ 
-  * Miroslav Zivkovic, Runtime QoS Control and Revenue Optimization within Service Oriented Architecture ​ 
-  * Wouter Klein Wolterink, Location-based Forwarding in Vehicular Networks ​ 
-  * Desislava Dimitrova, Analysing Uplink Scheduling in Mobile Networks - a Flow-Level Perspective ​ 
-  * Frank Roijers, Fluid Models for QoS Provisioning in Communication Networks ​ 
-  * Richa Malhotra, Quality of Service Modeling and Analysis for Carrier Ethernet ​ 
-  * Irwan Endrayanto, Optimal Resource Allocation in Downlink CDMA Wireless Networks ​ 
-  * Sing Kong Cheung, Processor-Sharing Queues and Resource Sharing in Wireless LANs 
-=== papers === 
-  * https://​​ws/​files/​2595165/​166979_00_Front_matter_2_.pdf 
-  * https://​​ws/​files/​4274910/​60342_02.pdf 
-  * https://​​en/​publications/​runtime-qos-control-and-revenue-optimization-within-service-orien 
-  * https://​​en/​publications/​measurement-based-link-dimensioning-for-the-future-internet 
-=== publications === 
-  * Attema, T., van den Berg, H. L., Kempker, P. C., Worm, D., & van der Vliet-Hameeteman,​ C. (2016). [[https://​​en/​publications/​models-for-qosaware-capacity-management-in-cable-access-networks(8f12299a-371c-408c-a5bd-c229db3c8073).html|Models for QoS-Aware Capacity Management in Cable Access Networks]]. The SCTE Broadband Journal, 38(2), 54-58. 
-===== LaTeX ===== 
-  * https://​​wiki/​LaTeX 
-  * https://​​wiki/​TeX 
-  * The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX (or LaTeX in 157 minutes) by Tobias Oetiker \\ -> http://​​info/​lshort/​english/​lshort.pdf 
-  * http://​​CTAN/​info/​beginlatex/​beginlatex-3.6.pdf 
-  * https://​​wiki/​LaTeX 
-==== LaTeX for Mac ==== 
-  * https://​​best-latex-editors/​ 
-  * https://​​What-is-the-best-LaTeX-editor-for-the-Mac ​ 
-  * https://​​osx 
-  * http://​​texmaker/​ 
/var/www/html/ ยท Last modified: 2019/03/06 07:33 (external edit)