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links:software [2014/10/01 10:22] external edit
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jdg [DVD]
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-====== Software links ====== 
-==== Web ==== 
-  * http://​​mambo/​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * JAF CMS -> http://​​ 
-  * [[ https://​​awstats-webstats/​cgi-bin/​​config=NCBV 
-  * Joomla CMS -> http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== Wiki ==== 
-  * http://​​wiki:​dokuwiki 
-  * [[http://​​wiki%3Atpl%3Atemplates|Dokuwiki templates]] 
-  * http://​​wiki/​Cheatsheet 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​wiki/​List_of_wiki_software 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== Web-based Information Systems ==== 
-  * Sugar CRM -> http://​​ 
-  * [[ 
-|SugarCRM Open-Source Documentation]] 
-  * vtiger CRM -> http://​​ 
-  * vtiger CRM customizations ->​category/​modifiche-a-vtiger-crm/​ 
-  * Tiny ERP -> http://​​ 
-  * Open Bravo -> http://​​ 
-  * RT Ticketing -> http://​​rt/​ 
-==== Development ==== 
-  * http://​​favicon/​validator/​ 
-  * http://​​wiki/​XML-RPC 
-  * http://​​xmlrpc 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== HTML ==== 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * dummy text -> http://​​ 
-==== XML-RPC ===== 
-  * [[:​xmlrpc|XML-RPC info]] 
-  * [[wp>​JSON]] = JavaScript Object Notation (replaces XML and serialization) 
-==== LDAP ==== 
-  * [[ 
-CPAN Net::​LDAP ​ 
-  * An Introduction to perl-ldap -> http://​​article/​7086 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationNotes \\ -> http://​​ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationNotes 
-  * howto perl-ldap AD authentication \\ -> http://​​ml/​lang.perl.modules.ldap/​2003-08/​msg00067.html 
-  * http://​​publications/​ldap/​ldap_tut.html 
-  * [[ http://​​blog/​OpenSource/​perl_activedirectory.article| 
-Active Directory Authentication with Perl and LDAP 
-  * [[ 
-Building a Bridge to the Active Directory, with XML-RPC 
-  * LDAP examples -> \\ [[http://​​code/​viewbook/​8| 
-Managing Enterprise Active Directory Services 
-  * similar to flexvpn-ldap:​ \\ [[ 
-|Active Directory Group Extraction for LDAP]] 
-  * LDAP abbreviations,​ see: \\ -> [[ 
-|RFC2256 - A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3]] 
-DN  Distinguish Name 
-DC  Domain Component 
-OU  Organisational Unit 
-UID User id 
-CN  Common Name 
-SN  Surname 
-L   ​Location 
-O   ​Organisation 
-ST  State 
-C   ​Country 
-dn: cn=sysadmin,​ou=Group,​dc=pisoftware,​dc=com 
-> Q: Are DN's case-insensitive ?  
-> A: A DN is a sequence of RDNs. An RDN is a sequence of Attribute-value pairs. Each attribute has its own schema definition with its own governing rules. Some attributes are case-sensitive,​ some are not. As such, a complete DN may have components that are case-sensitive as well as case-insensitive. ​ 
-==== Software ==== 
-  * http://​​\\ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​Dia 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * Gliffy (Online replacement MS Visio) -> http://​​ 
-  * FTP client GPL -> http://​​ 
-  * SmartDraw (better than Visio) -> http://​​ 
-==== PDF software ==== 
-  * CutePDF printer -> http://​​ 
-  * PDFedit -> http://​​en/​index.html 
-  * use '​gs'​ (ghostscript) to combine PDFs: [[ 
-  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf \ 
-  source1.pdf source2.pdf source3.pdf etc.pdf 
-==== Text editors ==== 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * Windows Free/GPL -> http://​​ 
-==== eBook readers ==== 
-  * [[ 
-|Amazon Kindle Readers]] 
-==== DVD ==== 
-=== DVD ripping === 
-  * [[wp>​DVD_ripper|DVD ripper]] 
-  * DVD to MPG4 OpenSource/​Linux/​Mac:​ Handbrake -> http://​​ 
-=== DVD decrypter === 
-  * [[wp>​DVD_Decrypter|DVD Decrypter]] 
-  * DVD Decrypter -> http://​​ 
-=== DVD Shrink === 
-  * [[wp>​DVD_Shrink|DVD Shrink]] 
-  * DVD Shrink -> Official site: http://​​ \\ latest version of DVD Shrink was released in 2005, Latest OFFICIAL Version - 
-  * DVD Shrink download -> http://​​dvdshrink/​ 
-  * DVD Shrink info -> http://​​dvdshrink/​ 
-=== K9Copy === 
-  * [[wp>​K9Copy]] = rip/​decrypt/​compress DVD to ISO or File 
-  * http://​​ 
-=== Handbrake === 
-  * HandBrake is an GPL open-source video transcoder for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. 
-  * [[wp>​HandBrake]] = rip/decrypt DVD to file (AVI etc) 
-  * http://​​ 
-=== DVD tools for Mac === 
-  * Mac the Ripper -> http://​​ 
-  * DVD Copy for Mac -> http://​​dvd-copy-mac.html 
-=== Convert Nero NRG to ISO === 
-# Nero add 600 bytes to front of ISO 
-dd if=image.nrg of=cdrom.iso bs=512 skip=600 
-nrg4iso can be downloaded from http://​​p/​nrg4iso/​downloads/​list (it's the Mac OS X executable). It's pretty straightforward. You run it in Terminal and for some reason you have to type "​./​nrg4iso"​. So, for example, you would type "​./​nrg4iso foo.nrg foo.iso"​ to create foo.iso from foo.nrg. 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== Tools ==== 
-  * http://​  ​ 
-  * http://​​cpuz.php 
-==== Copy CD Audio ==== 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== BitTorrent Torrent sources ==== 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== p2p progs ==== 
-  * bittorrent 
-  * Tribler (open-source,​ tu-delft) -> http://​​ 
-==== Other ==== 
-  * File extensions -> http://​​ 
-  * Read/write ISO CD-DVD: Infrarecorder -> http://​​ 
-  * Daemon Tools (ISO CDROM emulation) \\ -> http://​​dtcc/​download.php?​mode=ViewCategory&​catid=5 
-==== Telnet / SSH client ==== 
-  * Putty -> http://​​~sgtatham/​putty/​ 
-  * ZOC -> http://​​zoc/​ 
-==== Progs ==== 
-  * Truecrypt -> http://​​ 
-==== CMDB ==== 
-  * [[wp>​CMDB]] 
-  * http://​​cmdb 
-  * OneCMDB -> http://​​wiki/​index.php/​Main_Page 
-  * http://​​pd1/​html/​ 
-==== Windows File Search tools ==== 
-  * http://​​products/​filesearchex/​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== Local Software for Download ==== 
-  * [Local Software for Download] 
-  * Kiwi syslog daemon: http://​​products/​ 
-  * iperf see: [[:iperf]] 
-==== Network File Systems ==== 
-=== Andrew Filesystem AFS === 
-  * [[wp>​Andrew_File_System]] 
-  * http://​​hi/​plutonic/​afs-faq.html 
-  * http://​​ 
-=== WebDav === 
-  * http://​​wiki/​WebDAV 
-  * http://​​other/​faq.html 
-==== Email clients ==== 
-=== Thunderbird === 
-  * http://​​en-US/​ 
-  * http://​​!314574/​turn-thunderbird-into-the-ultimate-gmail-imap-client 
-==== Microsoft Windows ==== 
-=== Install W7 from USB == 
-  * http://​​store/​msstore/​html/​pbPage.Help_Win7_usbdvd_dwnTool 
-  * http://​​article/​248995/​how_to_install_windows_7_without_the_disc.html 
-===== Virtualization ===== 
-  * http://​​TechComparison 
-==== VMWare ==== 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * [[http://​​2005/​11/​how-to-improve-disk-io-performances.html|How to improve disk I/O performances with VMware Workstation]] 
-  * [[http://​​virtual_increase_vmware_performance.htm|10 ways to Increase Performance on a VMware System]] 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * [[ 
-|VMware Workstation Manual]] 
-  * [[ 
-|Disk Performance Tips for VMware Workstation]] 
-==== VMware ESX ==== 
-  * wikipedia -> [[wp>​VMware_ESX|VMware ESX]] 
-  * ESX  -> http://​​products/​esx/​ 
-  * ESXi -> http://​​products/​esxi/​ 
-  * http://​​products/​converter/​features.html 
-  * http://​​support/​vsphere4/​doc/​vsp_esx40_vc40_rel_notes.html 
-  * http://​​vmware_converter_windows_linux 
-  * http://​​esx/​esx3i/​boot_delay.php 
-  * NOTE: download "​vSphere Client"​ from the ESXi webinterface ​ 
-  * how to copy/clone a VM within ESXi ([[ 
-    * login in to vSphere 
-    * open "​configuration"​ -> "​Browse Datastore"​ 
-    * manually create a new dir (with name of new VM) 
-    * copy/paste .VMX and .VMDK files (only) from template-VM to new dir 
-    * rename .VMX to new-VM name 
-    * right-click .VMX and "Add to Inventory"​ 
-    * Start new VM (it wil re-generate UUID and necessary files) 
-==== VMware OVF ==== 
-  * [[wp>​Open_Virtualization_Format|OVF]] = Open Virtualization Format 
-  * http://​​appliances/​getting-started/​learn/​ovf.html 
-  * Create OVF with free Studio \\ -> http://​​appliances/​getting-started/​learn/​studio/​overview.html 
-  * OVF Tool (CLI tool for import/​export OFV) \\ -> http://​​community/​vmtn/​server/​vsphere/​automationtools/​ovf 
-==== VMware Tools ==== 
-  * [[ 
-|Installing VMware Tools]] 
-  * http://​​download/​packages.html 
-  * [[ 
-|Installing VMware Tools On Debian Lenny 5.0.2 With Gnome Desktop On ESX Server 3.5 Update 4]] 
-== Trouble installing vmware-tools on Debian6 within Fusion4.1 guest == 
-==== KVM  ==== 
-  * KVM = [[wp>​Kernel-based_Virtual_Machine|Kernel-based Virtual Machine]] 
-  * http://​​2009/​04/​27/​kvm-vs-vmware-a-case-study/​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​developerworks/​linux/​library/​l-linux-kvm/​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​page/​HOWTO 
-  * http://​​page/​Tuning_KVM 
-  * http://​​page/​Using_VirtIO_NIC 
-  * http://​​page/​Virtio 
-  * http://​​HowTos/​KVM 
-  * [[ 
-|Redhat RHEL 5 Virtualization guide]] 
-  * [[ 
-|Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Servers]] 
-  * Windows VirtIO drivers \\ -> http://​​page/​WindowsGuestDrivers/​Download_Drivers 
-  * https://​​index.php/​KVM 
-  * https://​​index.php/​QEMU#​Starting_qemu_virtual_machines_on_boot 
-  * QEMU and Kernel-based Virtual Machine - Wiki \\ -> http://​​e/​Content 
-  * http://​​Qemu-doc.html 
-  * http://​​page/​Networking 
-  * http://​​FAQ.html 
-  * http://​​~markmc/​virtual-networking.html 
-  * libvirt XML format: http://​​formatdomain.html 
-  * Coen: start libvirtd and libvirt-guest:​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​ 
-  * http://​​drvqemu.html 
-  * http://​​brainstorm/​2010/​03/​05/​vmware-vapp-from-vsphere-to-kvm/​ 
-==== VirtualBox ==== 
-  * http://​​wiki/​Virtualbox 
-  * http://​​ 
-==== OpenVZ ==== 
-  * http://​​Main_Page 
-  * http://​​wiki/​OpenVZ 
-==== Qemu ==== 
-  * home -> http://​​qemu/​ 
-  * wikipedia -> [[wp>​QEMU]] 
-==== XEN ==== 
-  * [[http://​​howto/​linux/​linux-tip-how-to-tell-if-your-processor-supports-vt/​|How to]] tell if your processor support VT. 
-  egrep '​(vmx|svm)'​ /​proc/​cpuinfo 
-  * http://​​TipsAndTricks/​Xen 
-  * http://​​HowTos/​Xen/​InstallingCentOSDomU 
-  * http://​​24-0-xen-basics.html 
-  * http://​​index.php/​SipX_runs_on_XEN 
-  * XenWiki -> http://​​xenwiki/​FrontPage 
-  * Xen 3.0 user manual -> http://​​downloads/​docs/​user/​ 
-  * http://​​xenwiki/​XenNetworking 
-  * http://​​2007/​11/​03/​centos-5-xen-images-part-2/​ 
-  * http://​​node/​2450 
-  * Xen Networking and VLANs \\ -> http://​​xenwiki/​XenNetworking 
-  * change in Centos52 -> http://​​wiki/​articles/​CentOS-5_Xen 
-  * Redhat virt-manager -> http://​​ 
-  * duplicate (move/​backup) a Xen DomU using LVM snapshots \\ -> http://​​2007/​09/​07/​duplicating-a-xen-domu/​ 
-=== Debian DomU on Centos Dom0 === 
-  * http://​​Xen#​DomU.28guest.29 
-  * with config: http://​​~joeyh/​d-i/​images/​daily/​netboot/​xen/​xm-debian.cfg 
-  * http://​​wordpress/​running-a-debian-lenny-domu-under-a-centos-5-dom0 
/var/www/html/ ยท Last modified: 2019/03/06 07:33 (external edit)