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Writing /var/www/html/ failed

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  • PhD = Latin: Philosophiae Doctor, Doctor of Philosophy
  • Doctorate (Latin: docere, “to teach”) or Doctor's degree (Latin: doctor, “teacher”) or Doctoral Degree
  • Graduate school
    A graduate school (sometimes shortened as grad school) is a school that 
    awards advanced academic degrees (i.e. master's and doctoral degrees) 
    with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous 
    undergraduate (bachelor's) degree with a high grade point average.
  • Dissertation
    Thesis from Latin “something put forth”, Dissertation from Latin “path”
    Dissertation = 'doctoral thesis'
    A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature 
    for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the 
    author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "thesis" or 
    a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while 
    "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate, while in other contexts, 
    the reverse is true. The term graduate thesis is sometimes used to refer 
    to both master's theses and doctoral dissertations.
    Wanneer gestart met het promotieonderzoek wordt men in NL al promovendus genoemd.
    Degene die gaat promoveren wordt een promovendus genoemd. In principe wordt 
    iemand die aan een proefschrift werkt een doctorandus genoemd ('hij die nog 
    doctor moet worden'), maar in Nederland wordt de term promovendus al gebruikt 
    vanaf de start van het onderzoeksproject, om verwarring met de (vandaag 
    verouderde) term doctorandus te vermijden.

TU Delft


Fac Course Title Author ISBN
Linear Algebra
TW WI1030 Linear Algebra Fraleigh and Beauregard 88.00
CS TI1206M Linear Algebra and its Applications D.C. Lay ps:9780321385178 ss:9781292092232
EE EE1M11 Linear Algebra and its Applications David Poole 60.00
EE EE2M21 Linear Algebra: A modern introduction David Poole bol:9780538735445 ss:9781285463247 ss-eB:9781285982830(gotit)
Discrete Maths
CS TI1306 Discrete Mathematics with Applications Epp ss:9780495826163
EE ET3155 Discrete mathematics Johnsonbaugh, R. ss:9781292022611
- - Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: Pearson New International Edition Grimaldi, Jancar-Webster ss:9781292022796 ss-eB:9781292035994(gotit)
TW WI3612,TW3550 Graph Theory R. Diestel ss:9783642142789
TW TW2020 Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity Christos H. Papadimitrlou 80.00
CS TI2306 Algorithm Design J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos 67.00
CS TI2316,TI3306 Introduction to the Theory of Computation Michael Sipser 76.45
Nice to know
TW TI2611WI Object-Oriented Software Engineering Lethbrldge & Laganlere 48.00
EE EE1D11 A Book on C Al Kelley ss:9780201183993
EE EE2S31 Digital Signal Processlng- Principles, algorlthms and applications J.G. Proakls, D.G. Manolakls 71.00
Fac Course Title Author ISBN
Theoretical Computer Science
wiki - Computability, complexity, and languages: fundamentals of theoretical computer science Davis, Sigal, Weyuker 0122063821(?) bol-eB:9200000008996568(gotit)



PhD Students

  • Mozhdeh Gholibeigi, Reliable Broadcasting in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
  • Morteza Karimzadeh, Mobility Management in Future Mobile Networks
  • Frank Wetzels, Performance Management in SDN based Networks

PhD Students (finished)

  • Tom Coenen, Modeling the Impact of Interference on Wireless Ad-hoc Network Performance
  • Wendy Ellens, Stochastic Methods for Measurement-based Network Control
  • Ricardo de Oliveira Schmidt, Measurement-Based Link Dimensioning for the Future Internet
  • Miroslav Zivkovic, Runtime QoS Control and Revenue Optimization within Service Oriented Architecture
  • Wouter Klein Wolterink, Location-based Forwarding in Vehicular Networks
  • Desislava Dimitrova, Analysing Uplink Scheduling in Mobile Networks - a Flow-Level Perspective
  • Frank Roijers, Fluid Models for QoS Provisioning in Communication Networks
  • Richa Malhotra, Quality of Service Modeling and Analysis for Carrier Ethernet
  • Irwan Endrayanto, Optimal Resource Allocation in Downlink CDMA Wireless Networks
  • Sing Kong Cheung, Processor-Sharing Queues and Resource Sharing in Wireless LANs




LaTeX for Mac

/var/www/html/ · Last modified: 2019/03/06 07:33 (external edit)